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Subject: Re: [Boost-users] asio::deadline_timer::expires_at problem when systemtime changes
From: raindog_at_[hidden]
Date: 2008-12-08 21:24:01

Does your platform have anything that enables you to retrieve some value that represents ms elapsed since startup?

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff Gray <jeffg_at_[hidden]>

Date: Tue, 09 Dec 2008 10:15:15
To: <boost-users_at_[hidden]>
Subject: [Boost-users] asio::deadline_timer::expires_at problem when system
        time changes

My application is running on an embedded system that has no battery
backed up real time clock. So when it starts, it's always 1-1-1970.

The first time a client app connects, it synchronizes the time, so the
system time will change to 2008.

This has drastic consequences on this sort of action:

void MyClass::TimerCallback(void)
        // do important periodic activity here...
        myTimer->async_wait(boost::bind(&MyClass::TimerCallback, this));

Since the expires_at() values is absolute time, it still thinks it's
1970, moving forward 100mS at a time. This causes the timer to expire
immediately, and my CPU load goes to 100% as it gets stuck in this

This is not a bug on the part of deadline_timer - it's doing exactly
what I told it to. The question is how should I change the code to cope
with time changes. I see several options:

1) The API call to set the time on my embedded device is within my
application, so I know when an outside party has changed the time. I
could send a boost::signal to the rest of the application & wrote code
in each module that has a deadline timer used in this way that resets
the timer.

2) Before setting a new expires_at value, I could calculate the time
period between now() and expires_at(). If it is more than double the
periodic delay, then I use expires_from_now() to resync with the new
absolute time.

3) I could calculate the periodic time based on absolute time:
   now() - (now() % milliseconds(100)) + milliseconds(100)
This means it would always be aligned with the most recent 100mS time.

4) Only use expires_from_now(). This is the simplest solution, but there
are parts of my application where it is preferable to have more accurate
timer period.

These approaches all have advantages and drawbacks. Does anyone have any
comments or experience with this issue?


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