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Subject: Re: [Boost-users] Reading key-value pairs from a string
From: Igor R (boost.lists_at_[hidden])
Date: 2009-04-13 12:45:57

> Given a string with certain file contents S, I would like to attempt to
> compare it against a certain pattern. In particular, the contents have the
> form key : value. Certain keys are obligatory, while others may or may not
> exist (my program then supplies the default values).
> Can you recommend me a boost facility that can help me reading this type of
> data? My problem is that between key, : and value there could be blank
> spaces, tabs etc. The type of value could be a string, an int, or double.

On the "current release" page you can filter libraries by category.
Eg., there's "String and text processing" category, and these are the
libraries that belong to it:

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