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Subject: [Boost-users] [Asio] Cancel an async timer from another timer's handler
From: Laurent Fert (fert.laurent.boost_at_[hidden])
Date: 2009-05-13 05:42:46


I faced some strange behavior while using timers
Here is an easy way to reproduce such behavior (note: I use async timeouts
and a single thread):

=experiment 1=
Timer1 expires after 2 seconds and reschedules itself to fire again 2
seconds later.
Timer2 expires after 2 seconds and cancels Timer1.

  Timer2's handler gets called but the cancel call on Timer1 returns 0.
  Timer1's handler gets called (although it should have been cancelled) and
therefore, Timer1 repeats itself indefinitely.

=experiment 2=
Timer1 expires after 1995 milliseconds and primes itself to fire again 1995
milliseconds later.
Timer2 expires after 2 seconds and cancels Timer1.

  Timer1's handler gets called and reschedules itself.
  Timer2's handler gets called and Timer1 gets canceled properly.

=experiment 3=
Timer1 expires after 2005 milliseconds and primes itself to fire again 2005
milliseconds later.
Timer2 expires after 2 seconds and cancels Timer1.

  Timer2's handler gets called and Timer1 gets canceled properly.

=experiment 4=
Repeat experiment 1 but change the expiration time of Timer1 instead of
canceling it from Timer2's handler.

  Timer2's handler gets called and Timer1 gets rescheduled properly. Note
that Timer1's handler doesn't get called at all before the new expiry time
although it should be called with an operation_aborted error code.

When Timer1 and Timer2 expire at a very close time, Timer2 cannot cancel
Timer1 although it can reschedule it.
Is it an expected behavior?
Is it due to the design of Asio?



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