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Subject: Re: [Boost-users] [bjam] Building Regex with static runtime linking
From: John Maddock (john_at_[hidden])
Date: 2009-06-12 12:14:34

>> > That's the point. I don't remember exactly what I have done during the
>> > process
>> > of installing ICU. But one thing clear is that I haven't modified the
>> > solution
>> > configuration that comes with the original package.
>> In that case, you are restricted to using the same msvc runtime that ICU
>> uses (assuming you are committed to using regex with ICU - regex and
>> Win32
>> provide passable Unicode support without it via boost::wregex).
> That means I can get unicode support without ICU in the Win32 environment?
> If that's true, then what is ICU for?

It depends how complete you want the Unicode support, have you seen: ?

Basically on Win32 character classification and upper/lower case conversion
works OK in wregex, but Unicode specific character classes like [[:lu:]]
can't be used, likewise nothing in icu.hpp (so UTF8 support for example).

HTH, John.

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