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Subject: Re: [Boost-users] 1_41_0 exposes macro collision with thread
From: Marshall Clow (mclow.lists_at_[hidden])
Date: 2009-12-04 11:49:07

On Dec 4, 2009, at 8:18 AM, Stonewall Ballard wrote:

> Just a heads-up that since 1_41_0 removes libs/thread/src/pthread/exceptions.cpp file from the thread library (its now header-only), it's exposed to any precompiled headers with XCode. If you're using Carbon or (I think) CoreFoundation, that defines a macro named "check", which causes compilation errors in exception/diagnostic_information.cpp.
> I've had to add #undef check in files that include boost to eliminate this problem.

There's a trac ticket for this:

and I updated the inspection program to look for these identifiers a couple of weeks ago.

Now we just have to root them all out and change them :-(

-- Marshall

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