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Subject: Re: [Boost-users] [thread] variables in thread examples require 'volatile'?
From: Gottlob Frege (gottlobfrege_at_[hidden])
Date: 2009-12-08 01:21:01

On Mon, Dec 7, 2009 at 10:35 PM, OvermindDL1 <overminddl1_at_[hidden]> wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 7, 2009 at 8:16 PM, Stonewall Ballard <sb.list_at_[hidden]> wrote:
>> On Dec 7, 2009, at 7:56 PM, Steven Watanabe wrote:
>>> AMDG
>>> Gabriel Redner wrote:

>>> volatile is not needed in that example because access is protected by a mutex.
>> In this example:
>> ----
>> boost::condition_variable cond;
>> boost::mutex mut;
>> bool data_ready;
>> void process_data();
>> void wait_for_data_to_process()
>> {
>>    boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> lock(mut);
>>    while(!data_ready)
>>    {
>>        cond.wait(lock);
>>    }
>>    process_data();
>> }
>> ----
>> What prevents the compiler from leaving data_ready in a register while in the while loop, hence never seeing some other thread setting it? The mutex is released while waiting on the condition, so data_ready is not protected while in cond.wait().
> I might agree.  Although I doubt volatile is the best thing here
> either.  Volatile may prevent it from being stored in registers, but
> it will not prevent it from being cached.  data_ready will eventually
> be ready when the cache's finally sync, but you should be using a
> condition variable instead of a global bool if you want it to happen
> more along the lines of 'now'.  It is possible that the cond.wait may
> introduce a memory barrier that forces the cache among multiple CPU's
> to sync up though, meaning that the code could actually be correct.
> Hmm, now that I think of it, I think that example is correct.  I see
> no problem then.

Volatile and threading/barriers are 2 different things, which only
appear related. volatile is for dealing with the compiler, barriers
are for dealing with the CPU(s).

The reason that data_ready is NOT 'left' in a register is because a
function with unknown side-effects (cond.wait) is being called. You
could just as easily have:

while (!data_ready)

and the compiler will ensure that data_ready is re-read (ie not left
in a register) because it is a global, and the compiler is unsure
whether or not some_library_function() modifies data_ready or not. In
theory the compiler could go look into some_library_function() and
figure that out, but in practice it doesn't.

As for memory barriers, cond.wait() locks and unlocks the mutex, which
puts in the necessary memory barriers. Note that the order of
lock/unlock/relock is such that data_ready is only read while holding
the lock. Of course, nothing here says whether the other thread
*wrote* data_ready inside a lock or with the necessary
release-barrier, but let's assume that it did.

So recap:

>>> volatile is not needed in that example because access is protected by a mutex.

No, I'd say volatile is not needed because functions with unknown
side-effects are being called (and/or if the mutex code was somehow
magically inlined, then we can assume the compiler recognizes the
memory-barrier intrinsics and forces memory re-reads because of that).

> It is possible that the cond.wait may introduce a memory barrier that forces the cache among multiple CPU's
> to sync up

- cond.wait DOES introduce a memory barrier. Probably 2 - a release on
unlock(mutex) and an acquire on lock(mutex)
- it is not really 'cache syncing' that is the problem (most CPUs have
cache-coherency guarantees) it is the relative ordering of reads and
writes (and RE-ordering by the CPU / memory bus) that causes the
'visibility' problems.


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