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Subject: [Boost-users] Embedding boost in a given project
From: joel falcou (joel.falcou_at_[hidden])
Date: 2010-01-25 10:54:08

In order to satisfy various users request and to limit potential whining
about implicit dependencies on boost,
I've started lookign at how to embed boost components into my own tools.

What are the usual way to do that ? I pondered working with a given
version (say 1.42) in which I could add w/e
patches and fixed from the trunk along with my own custom patches. I
then use BCP to extract sub boost compoennt to my
release package.

Now, the final funny thing is that, for various reason, we don't use
bjam atm for our own product build.
I guess adding a makefile fuel like dependency: bjam --with-xxxx is
enough for example ?

Any experience to be shared on that topic ?

Joel Falcou - Assistant Professor
PARALL Team - LRI - Universite Paris Sud XI
Tel : (+33)1 69 15 66 35

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