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Subject: Re: [Boost-users] [iostreams] bzip2 filter fails with large file on Xen system
From: Roland Bock (rbock_at_[hidden])
Date: 2010-03-25 08:58:32

Nicola wrote:
> I have to apologize. It turns out that I was working with a symlink to a
> file in a shared directory, and another user had bunzipped those files,
> keeping the same name (to start with, the compressed files didn't have a
> .bz2 suffix - don't ask me why). The copy in my laptop was made before
> that happened, so there all was fine. Cherry on the cake: recently I was
> viewing the files with bzless instead of bzcat - which, I've now
> realized, behaves like less if the file is plain text.
> Well, that's embarassing (and somewhat irritating, as I've spent a bunch
> of hours trying to figure out what was going on).
> Thanks for trying to help. I'll do my best to avoid posting noise again.
> Nicola

Thanks for the notice. Don't be embarrassed. This kind of stuff happens
to everybody every once in a while :-)

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