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Subject: Re: [Boost-users] General design question about threading/concurrency
From: Julien Martin (balteo_at_[hidden])
Date: 2010-10-25 06:55:36

Hello Noel,
Yes, I am indeed running a monte carlo simulation which simulates N paths
and then, when all are finished that takes action based upon the results.
What class, method or concepts should I look for in MPI please?

2010/10/25 Belcourt, Kenneth <kbelco_at_[hidden]>

> Hi Julien,
> On Oct 24, 2010, at 2:44 PM, Julien Martin wrote:
> > I am writing a program that needs to run N simulations with N >10 000.
> This sounds a lot like Monte Carlo. Are each of the N simulations
> essentially independent of each other, until perhaps all N complete and then
> some additional processing occurs? If so, then instead of using threads,
> > Obviously, I cannot instantiate N threads at the same time but I cannot
> run the simulations sequentially either.
> > Can anyone please advise me how to design my program using the boost
> threading library and concepts please?
> I'd use MPI if you can, but I don't know enough about your application
> domain.
> -- Noel
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