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Subject: [Boost-users] [Review] Boost.Type Traits Extension by Frederic Bron
From: Joel Falcou (joel.falcou_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-03-14 03:48:52

Dear All,

This is the first day of the fast track review of Frédéric Bron's
extensions to the Type Traits Library.This reviews will last until March
18th, 2011 under my management. All comments and reviews are
very welcome.

What is it?

This extension adds 37 new traits corresponding to the following 37
- binary: ==, !=,<,<=,>,>=, , +, -, *, /, %, +=, -=, *=, /=, %=, ,
&&, ||, ,&, |, ^,<<,>>,&=, |=, ^=,<<=,>>=
- prefix: ++, --, +, -, !, ~, *
- postfix: ++, --

Each trait can detect if the operator can be used with particular
types and if needed, if the return type is convertible to some type.

Getting the library

The latest version can be downloaded by different ways:
- from the vault with unix line ending:
- from the vault with dos line ending:
- from the sandbox:

The entry point of the documentation is

The library has been tested with:
- MSVC 8, 9, 10 on Windows,
- g++ 4.4.5 on Linux,
- intel 10.0 and 11.1 on Linux.

To test the library, the simplest is to untar the headers in your
boost include directory. For this, you can download the header part of
the extension:
- from the vault with unix line ending:
- from the vault with dos line ending:

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