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Subject: Re: [Boost-users] boost::exception_detail::error_info_base does not have virtual destructor
From: Emil Dotchevski (emildotchevski_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-03-18 03:11:26

On Thu, Mar 17, 2011 at 3:22 PM, Ted Byers <r.ted.byers_at_[hidden]> wrote:
>>From: boost-users-bounces_at_[hidden]
> [mailto:boost-users-bounces_at_[hidden]] On Behalf Of Emil Dotchevski
>>Sent: March-17-11 5:27 PM
>>On Thu, Mar 17, 2011 at 1:58 PM, Ted Byers <r.ted.byers_at_[hidden]> wrote:
>>>  I do have a little sympathy with your, and his, position, when
>>> dealing with extremely tight time constraints, but not a lot.  If one
>>> of the design criteria is that the code being produced must be widely
>>> portable, then I pass it through the range of platforms and compilers
>>> that we have to support, and as far as it is possible, I try to treat
>>> all warnings as errors.
>>The virtual destructor warning goes directly against a conscious design
> decision. In my opinion it also teaches programmers a bad habit. This
> doesn't make the warning any less annoying of course, so I'm doing my best
> to suppress it.
> I would like to understand why making destructors virtual when there are
> other virtual member functions might be seen as a bad habit.

OK I'm exaggerating, obviously there are worse habits one can be taught. :)

A public virtual destructor lets anyone call delete as they please. In
any non-trivial program this isn't a good thing.

> What, precisely, was that conscious design decision, and what is the
> rationale for it?

"The error_info_base class does not support deleting objects of
derived types polymorphically" (and virtual is used to indicate that a
particular operation is polymorphic, which would be misleading in this

> It is my experience that when two experienced developers disagree about a
> practice, it is born of differences in the nature of the problems they have
> faced in the past, and the information they have at their disposal.  If you
> were to look at the applications I develop, you'd find very few objects
> created on the stack.  Almost everything goes on the heap, managed by the
> most appropriate of the boost smart pointers.  In my environmental modelling
> software, for example, the application starts off with almost nothing in the
> heap, but as the user builds the model, he may end up producing hundreds or
> even thousands of instances of sometimes complex UDTs, and these UDTs are
> often drawn from complex inheritance trees (but almost never involving
> multiple inheritance ;-).  Connections between these instances can often be
> quite complex, so there is, in the base class, a function that breaks all
> connections among the objects before any attempt is made to delete anything.
> Because the number of UDTs is quite large, and there is a common modelling
> interface for which there are virtual functions (as pure virtual functions
> in the base class), all these objects are managed in a single std::vector
> containing smart pointers having pointers to the base class.

What is the reason for not storing shared_ptrs in that std::vector?
Wouldn't a protected and non-virtual destructor be more appropriate in
that case?

Emil Dotchevski
Reverge Studios, Inc.

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