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Subject: [Boost-users] [boost] [program options] Potential bug in parsing arguments where one is suffix of the other ?
From: Sanjit Jhala (sjhalaz_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-03-31 19:16:25


I have the following code (modified from example/first.cpp):

*#include <boost/program_options.hpp>*
*#include <string>*
*#include <vector>*
*#include <iostream>*
*namespace po = boost::program_options;*
*using namespace std;*
*typedef vector<string> Strings;*
*// A helper function to simplify the main part.*
*template<class T>*
*ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const vector<T>& v)*
* copy(v.begin(), v.end(), ostream_iterator<T>(cout, " "));*
* return os; *
*int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {*
* po::options_description cmdline_desc("Usage: %s [Options]
* cmdline_desc.add_options()*
* ("str", po::value< string >(), "a string arg")*
* ("strs", po::value< Strings >(), "a list of strings")*
* ("foo", po::value< string >(), "a string arg")*
* ("bar", po::value< Strings >(), "a list of strings")*
* ; *
* po::variables_map vm; *
* po::store(po::parse_command_line(argc, argv, cmdline_desc), vm);*
* po::notify(vm);*
* if (vm.count("str"))*
* cout << "Got str arg=" << vm["str"].as< string >() << "\n";*
* if (vm.count("strs"))*
* cout << "Got strs arg=" << vm["strs"].as< Strings >() << "\n";*
* if (vm.count("foo"))*
* cout << "Got foo arg=" << vm["foo"].as< string >() << "\n";*
* if (vm.count("bar"))*
* cout << "Got bar arg=" << vm["bar"].as< Strings >() << "\n";*
When I run the program I see:
*./po_test --str "a string" --strs "a, vector, of, strings" --foo "a foo"
--bar "a, bar"*
*Got strs arg=a string a, vector, of, strings *
*Got foo arg=a foo*
*Got bar arg=a, bar *

It appears the parser is getting confused between the "str" and the "strs".
It doesn't seem to be related to ambiguity in handling vectors since the
"foo" and "bar" arguments are fine. I see this problem on 32-bit CentOS and
Ubuntu machines, but not on 64-bit. I am running Boost 1.43 and from
the /usr/local/include/boost/program_options/version.hpp:

Is this a bug or a expected behaviour?


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