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Subject: [Boost-users] [asio] IPv6 interface index
From: Dylan Klomparens (dylan.klomparens_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-05-09 16:21:41


I am trying to use Boost for some IPv6 and multicast network communication.
I need to construct an IPv6 multicast socket that uses a specific network
interface index.

I was able to find the correct multicast option to set the network interface
index in boost/asio/ip/detail/socket_option.hpp:
explicit multicast_request(const boost::asio::ip::address_v6&
multicast_address, unsigned long network_interface = 0)

The problem is, I don't know how to find the correct value for the
"network_interface" parameter. Is there a way to get the network_interface
value using a local IPv6 address that I can provide? I looked in the
documentation and examples, but couldn't find anything.

-- Dylan

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