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Subject: [Boost-users] Serializing handles to opaque objects
From: James Amundson (amundson_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-10-27 17:32:08

I am trying to use Boost Serialization with a set of classes which
contain handles to opaque objects written in C. (Specifically, the
objects are MPI communicator objects and the handles are of the MPI_Comm
type, but I don't think that's important for the problem.)

Now, I can easily extract the information from the objects necessary to
serialize and de-serialize them; that is not the problem. The problem is
that several classes have handles to the *same* object. When I restore
the objects I need to make certain that all the identical handles end up
pointing to the same object. I don't see an easy way to do that.

The problem seems to me to be highly analogous to the (solved) problem
of serializing pointers, except that the handles are not literally
pointers. I'd be grateful for any advice

Jim Amundson

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