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Subject: Re: [Boost-users] dynamic_bitset: request for new functions
From: David Hochstuhl (Davidhochstuhl_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-11-11 16:01:26


thank you for your answer.

>For the find features, I would consider to provide a view of a bitset
>that behaves as standard set, with iterators. Even if the complexity of
>these operations could not conform to the standard one, the advantages
>are evident. In the same way you can associate a view of the
>complementary set.

I don't understand exactly what mean by this. Do you mean one should set up
a std::set or something similar from a range of the bitset?

>For the bit-twiddling hacks algorithm, the interface is almost ready.
>Currently there is the data() function given access to the storage, and
>a constructor from it. The problem is that the access is read-only and
>the constructor will make a copy. Adding some move functions to extract
>the storage and to take an external storage would permit to build every
>algorithm you want on top of them in an efficient way.
Can you tell me where to find this function. I searched the documentation and the
source code, but couldn't find it.

>As you said this is a lot and even if this is not complex, this will
>need a considerable time to make something with the expected quality. Do
>you think that you could contribute in some way?
Sure I could, but I don't know whether I could provide the "expected quality".
I anyway planned to code at least the LSB/MSB search functions for myself.


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