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Subject: [Boost-users] BGL with MPI
From: Neiderer, Andrew M USA CIV (US) (andrew.m.neiderer.civ_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-11-29 07:11:12

I have libs/graph/example's working fine under RH in boost_1_48_0. But cannot get

MPI working with BGL, e.g. libs/mpi/example/hello_world.cpp :-(

When I translate using

$g++ -I .../boost_1_48_0 -I .../boost_1_48_0/boost/mpi hello_world.cpp

I get a bunch of errors, the first of which boost/mpi/config.hpp cannot find mpi.h.

Not even sure where mpi.h is located and how it differs from mpi.hpp?

Maybe if I solve this problem then all the other error messages, or most,

will also go away.

If there is a simple/obvious fix please let me know.

Thank you.

Andrew M. Neiderer

US Army Research Laboratory

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