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Subject: Re: [Boost-users] Needs advices on design ( mpl or processor )
From: Allan Nielsen (a_at_[hidden])
Date: 2012-01-10 12:43:59


Just for the record, here is the souce code I ended up using.

It is quite different from the compressed-tuple source, and the source
code Larry suggested. It is most likely not as generric as these
alternativies and it will only work with simple types as

But it has some features which is important for me:

- Struct like groups
> ce2;

    std::cout << ce2.get<e1>() << std::endl;

    ce2.set<e2, e1>(e1::E1);
    std::cout << ce2.get<e2, e1>() << std::endl;

- Unions like groups

> ce7;

    ce7.set<e2, Abc>(Abc::B);
    cout << ce7.get<e2, e1>() << " " <<
            ce7.get<e2, Abc>() << " " <<
            ce7.get<e2, YesNoMaby>() << endl;
    ce7.set<e2, Abc>(Abc::A);
    cout << ce7.get<e2, e1>() << " " <<
            ce7.get<e2, Abc>() << " " <<
            ce7.get<e2, YesNoMaby>() << endl;
    ce7.set<e2, YesNoMaby>(YesNoMaby::Maby);
    cout << ce7.get<e2, e1>() << " " <<
            ce7.get<e2, Abc>() << " " <<
            ce7.get<e2, YesNoMaby>() << endl;

- Arrays (of leafs only)
        CompressedEnumArray<Abc, 5>,
> ce6; = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < ce6.get_size<Abc>(); i++) {
        std::cout << ce6.get<4, Abc>() <<
                     ce6.get<3, Abc>() <<
                     ce6.get<2, Abc>() <<
                     ce6.get<1, Abc>() <<
                     ce6.get<0, Abc>() <<
                     std::endl;<0, Abc>();

Comments are always appreciated, but before you dive into the code, I
should warn you that this is the first time I have tried to sue the
boost::mpl for something ( other than playing around ).

Thanks for all the help and inputs.

Best regards
Allan W. Nielsen

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