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Subject: Re: [Boost-users] header-only libraries
From: dib (dib_ggml_at_[hidden])
Date: 2013-03-27 12:00:56

Am 27.03.2013 15:36, schrieb Igor R:
>> Furthermore, in my experience specially commercial projects are
>> reluctant to use libraries that have to be shipped with the own product,
>> whereas it is no problem as long as they are "hidden" inside the binary..
> It seems that you're confusing static and dynamic libs. Some boost
> libraries need to be built -- but no one obligates to build them as
> dynamic libs.
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I am not sure if there are not still some compilers/linkers that do not
support mixed linking of libraries (static and dynamic), which would
bring the same problem again.

Further, afaik, with static linking you won't have
link-time-optimization and dead code removal (at least until boost has
been compiled with the appropriate options, which it isn't by default)

Anyway, you are right, most of the times it would be a possible solution
to link statically.

Still, asio offers this possibility and I am eager to know if there is a
reason why no other library (e.g. program_options) does.

If I find the time I would perhaps try the exercise to make a patch for
one or the other lib, but want to avoid that afterwards somebody tells
me that I could have saved the time because of some reason..



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