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Subject: Re: [Boost-users] Flyweight: wrapping shared_ptr
From: Joaquin M Lopez Munoz (joaquin_at_[hidden])
Date: 2014-10-09 16:20:24

Akim Demaille <akim <at>> writes:

> Which is ok. However, I tried to do the same thing this time on
> top of Flyweight, using key_value, but failed miserably: the result
> is not made unique:
> [...]
> struct make_num
> : boost::noncopyable
> {
> make_num(int n)
> : res(std::make_shared<Num_impl>(n))
> {}
> Num res;
> operator Num() const { return res; }
> };
> public:
> static Num make(int v)
> {
> using flyweight =
> boost::flyweight<boost::flyweights::key_value<int,make_num>>;
> return flyweight(v).get();
> }

This is what's hapenning:

1. make(v) creates a *temporary* flyweight(v), which contains a
make_num struct containing a std::shared_ptr<Num_impl>.
2. make(v) returns a copy of the shaered_ptr, which gets then a ref
count of 2.
3. when make(v) exists, the temporary flyweight is destroyed, and
as *there's no other flyweight with the same value*, the associated
make_num struct gets erased from the flyweight internal factory.
4. Erasing the make_num results in its shared_ptr member being destroyed,
hence the referenced to Num_impl gets a ref count of 1: it is not
destroyed, this is why ~Num_impl is not invoked.
5. Next time you call make(v), there's no longer an equivalent
value in the factoty, 1-4 are repeated and make(v) returns a
shared_ptr to a *different* Num_impl.

In short: what keeps a value around in a flyweight factory is
the *flyweight* ref count, *not* the *shared_ptr* ref count of
one of its members.

Why do you want to have a factory per node type? Hash containers'
performance is basically independent of the number of elements being
contained, so you won't get any significant speedup by separating
types --what's more, you can even get a performance reduction
due to CPU cache misses, since having more hashed containers around
places more bucket arrays in the program's working memory.

Joaquín M López Muñoz

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