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Subject: Re: [Boost-users] Adding C++/CLI code to my project makes app crash on startup
From: Sergio Basurco (sergio.b_at_[hidden])
Date: 2017-12-19 12:15:10

The issue came from my builder, which was duplicating the binaries when
creating my program. Here's basically what I had before:

    CLI_source1 -> cli_file1.obj
    CLI_source2 -> cli_file2.obj

    [cli_fil1.obj, cli_file2.obj] -> [cli_library.lib, cli_library.dll]

    [native_src, boost_shared_lib.lib, cli_library.lib, cli_file1.obj,
    cli_file2.obj] ->  program.exe (Builds but crashes!)

And here's the fixed version. Note that I was linking the cli binaries
twice, bundled in a library and then also using the .objs.

    [native_src, boost_lib.dll, cli_library.lib] ->  program.exe (Works!)

It's not clear to me why exactly it crashed with the stack buffer
overrun error. But at least I managed to fix it. Thanks for all the replies!

Saludos / Best regards,

*Sergio Basurco*
Coherent Synchro

On 13/12/2017 4:20, Michael Powell via Boost-users wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 12, 2017 at 7:38 PM, Gavin Lambert via Boost-users
> <boost-users_at_[hidden]> wrote:
>> On 13/12/2017 02:52, Michael Powell wrote:
>>>> I have a native (unmanaged) C++ application that consumes a C# SDK using
>>>> a
>>>> C++/CLI wrapper. This is achieved using a wrapper similar to the one
>>>> described here:
>>> You have the bridge entirely backwards. CLI does not bridge C# to C++.
>>> Rather, it bridges C++ to CLI.
>> It is true that the main intent of C++/CLI is to allow you to more easily
>> call native code from a managed application, rather than the reverse.
>> But the bridge can be used both ways, although there are some caveats
>> related to AppDomains, decompilers, delegates, and garbage collection, which
>> can surprise people.
>> You also need to be really careful about what things you put in header files
>> when they are being shared between native and managed code.
> If, by "caveats", you mean being careful to do native things in an
> otherwise CLI/.NET/managed environment, I agree. That was never CLI's
> purpose, however, as far as I know it's history to be.
> They've even gone as far as to provide "managed" collections support
> for the "native" C++, etc, to give you an idea.
> Cheers. Good luck!
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