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From: Phil Endecott (spam_from_boost_users_at_[hidden])
Date: 2019-08-28 21:19:26

Patrick J. LoPresti wrote:
> "Phil Endecott" <spam_from_boost_users_at_[hidden]> writes:
>> Forgive me if I have misunderstood, but how can that cause
>> Boost.Polygon to see my specialisation when it looks up
>> polygon_traits<std::array<Point,3>> ?
> I had a similar problem.
> As it turns out, Boost.Polygon already uses a level of indirection
> internally. You can specialize boost_polygon_traits_general (instead of
> boost_polygon_traits).

THANKS! Yes, that works. It's a hack but I've done worse...

> This is undocumented, but it was the only way I found to get it working.
> I would argue this is a bug, or at least a deficiency. Not sure if the
> right fix is to change the documentation or the implementation.

It's clearly a misfeature. Regarding fixing it, I have the impression
that Boost.Polygon is essentially abandoned. Are you actively using it?
Anyone else out there?

Regards, Phil.

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