Hi , I am new user of boost.python. Please help me in solving this problem.
problem 1)  When I am running bjam from home/boost/libs/python/example/tutorial folder its running fine but building my hello.so in home/boost/bin/boost/libs/python/example/tutorial/hello.so/gcc/..  folder.is there any way to chagne the path for hello.so
problem 2): when I am running bjam from any other folder ( home/boost/sample) its giving me this error ::
/home/jamrules no such directory  
.../.../allyourbase.jam 1451 see definition of rules "root-path: being called.
Please let me know any solution. Thanks for all your help

Doug Gregor <dgregor@cs.indiana.edu> wrote:

On May 9, 2005, at 5:54 AM, Rui Carvalho wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a directed graph (vecS, vecS, bidirectionalS) and I'm trying to
> iterate through the neighbour vertices of a vertex u. When using
> for (tie(ai0,ai0_end) = adjacent_vertices(u,g); ai0 != ai0_end; ++ai0)
> the code goes only through the out vertices of u. Is there a way to
> iterate
> through all the neighbouring vertices in one loop (i.e. through both
> the out
> and in vertices of u)?

I don't know of a good way to do this with the BGL. You'll need to
either build some kind of smart iterator adaptor that traverses
out_edges then in_edges, or have two separate loops.


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