std::strings are special in that they are considered primitives. If you look at ser../string.hpp you'll notice that the serialization code is commented out and that the serialization trait for the std::string class is set to "primitive".  There is code that specifically handles std::string. The reason is that the std::string is used in the archive header and due to chicken and egg issues, I chose to make strings prmitives.
Robert Ramey
"Doug Henry" <> wrote in message
I have a custom stream that I am adaptiing to, so I build oarchive and iarchive classes derived from boost::archive::detail::common_xarchive according to the documentation.  I have a function that looks like the following to handle the specifics of loading and saving.

template<class T>
void load(T & t)
    // load data...

This seems to work for everything except std::string's.  I noticed it when writing out a std::map<std::string, std::string>.  The map is handled properly by the boost/serialization/map.hpp routines, but the strings are sent to my load function instead of being handled by boost/serialization/string.hpp.

Any insight in to what I could possibly be doing wrong would be greatly appreciated.


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