I would like to convert between std::wstring and std::string using lexical_cast and finally discovered in an old posting that you must manually provide template specializations for these types as below.  My question is why these aren’t provided in lexical_cast.hpp already?


template<> inline std::wstring boost::lexical_cast(std::string source)


    std::wstring result(source.size(), wchar_t(0));

    typedef std::ctype<wchar_t> ctype_t;

    const ctype_t& ct = std::use_facet<ctype_t>(std::locale());

    ct.widen(source.data(), source.data() + source.size(), &(*result.begin()));

    return result;




template<> inline std::string boost::lexical_cast(std::wstring source)


    std::string result(source.size(), char(0));

    typedef std::ctype<wchar_t> ctype_t;

    const ctype_t& ct = std::use_facet<ctype_t>(std::locale());

    ct.narrow(source.data(), source.data() + source.size(), '\u00B6', &(*result.begin()));

    return result;
