On 9/20/05, boost-users-request@lists.boost.org < boost-users-request@lists.boost.org> wrote:
Message: 2
Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 12:35:08 -0500
From: "Lee Crabtree" <lcrabtree@goisi.com>
Subject: [Boost-users] trouble with boost::assign
To: boost-users@lists.boost.org
Message-ID: <dgmsos$amg$1@sea.gmane.org>

Hi, I'm trying initialize a static map with map_list_of. Something along the
lines of:

map<int,int> blarg = map_list_of(1, 2);

However, when I go to compile, I receive the following error:


Lee Crabtree

Can't help you with the error, unfortunately, but just wondering - does this map *remain* static after initialization?  ie Do you do any inserts or deletes after init?  I wrote a static_map<K, T> that is constructed from a static array, which I use for those cases where the map doesn't change, and I was just wondering how useful people thought it might be - ie how often do you have maps that never change after initialization from static data?