On 9/29/05, Eric Niebler <eric@boost-consulting.com> wrote:

> but the html
> file is lost,

What do you mean?

 On http://boost-consulting.com/boost/libs/libraries.htm there is a link to the foreach library,
but when you follow it to http://boost-consulting.com/boost/doc/html/foreach.html you'll get a
404 error.

> and on the boost.org < http://boost.org> site, there's no
> reference to it anymore.

 Well, apparently that should be 'yet', not 'anymore'. Sorry, I thought it was an old
lib, not a new one :-)

The foreach.zip file in the File Vault on boost-consulting.com is what
you want:


The documentation is online at:


Thanks, I found the vault in the meantime.

Alex Borghgraef