I've been trying to use Boost.Iostreams, with mixed success. I've got a few more stumbling blocks that hopefully I can get some help with :-).

First, I have a socket class, which I've used Boost.Iostreams to create a nice interface for. Quick details:

class winsock_device {
     typedef boost::iostreams::bidirectional_device_tag category;

class winsock_socket {
    typedef winsock_device stream_device_type;
    typedef boost::iostreams::stream_buffer< stream_device_type > stream_buffer_type;
    typedef std::iostream stream_type;

    stream_device_type m_stream_device;
    stream_buffer_type m_stream_buffer;
    stream_type m_stream;

    winsock_socket( SOCKET raw_socket )
        : m_stream_device( raw_socket )
        , m_stream_buffer( m_stream_device )
        , m_stream( & m_stream_buffer )
    stream_type & stream() { return m_stream; }
    //..more implementation..

The implementation seems to work, tests show it to be working fine for input and output (with output needing to be flushed).

Only problem is that the newlines are mismatched - a simple telnet chat client gets supurflous \r characters using std::getline, so I decided to wrap around the stream using a boost::iostreams::filtering_stream< boost::iostreams::bidirectional >, which is where things fall apart. I took my simple example, and replaced:

std::iostream & ios = socket->stream();


namespace bios = boost::iostreams;
bios::filtering_stream< bios::bidirectional > ios;
ios.push( socket->stream() );

both with the same testing code:

std::string nickname;
ios << "Welcome, user - please enter a nickname:\n" << std::flush; socket->stream().flush();
std::getline( ios , nickname );
ios << "Welcome, " << nickname << "\n";
ios << "*** actual chatting not yet implemented ***\n";
ios << "Disconnecting you now, bye " << nickname << " !!!\n" << std::flush; socket->stream().flush();

This failed to work at all at first, eventually I figured out I needed to flush first the ios stream, and then the underlying socket->stream. This brings me to:

question 1: Is there a workaround to allow an ending stream of (std::iostream &) to be flushed automatically by flushing filtering_stream?

Even with no filters installed, however, the program freezes (until I shut down the telnet client) when I attempt to read a line from the stream, even after entering multiple newlines - I'm not exactly sure what's happening here. This brings me to:

question 2: How can I get the input moving through my stream? Do I need to start a seperate thread to constantly flush() the stream that the main thread is blocked on i/o for?
