I'm a newbie to boost, and I'm trying to use boost.thread together with STLport in VC6.
When I compile my project in debug version, I get a error message saying "fatal error C1189: #error : 'Build options aren't compatible with pre-built libraries'", the error code is in auto_link.hpp in boost directory:
# if (defined(__SGI_STL_PORT) || defined(_STLPORT_VERSION)) && (defined(_STLP_OWN_IOSTREAMS) || defined(__STL_OWN_IOSTREAMS))
# if defined(_DEBUG) && (defined(__STL_DEBUG) || defined(_STLP_DEBUG))
# define BOOST_LIB_RT_OPT "-gdp"
# elif defined(_DEBUG)
# define BOOST_LIB_RT_OPT "-gdp"
# pragma message("warning: STLPort debug versions are built with /D_STLP_DEBUG=1")
# error "Build options aren't compatible with pre-built libraries"
# else
# define BOOST_LIB_RT_OPT "-p"
# endif
But I don't get this error message in release version.
What can I do?