
I have sucessfully compiled the Boost Library, but I can`t use it.

I get a error an the programm chrashes. I have testes it with the

files in the example folder.

Perhaps anyone can give me a hint, how I get ahead or where my error


Which I did:

0) Executed Borland builder Patch No. 4

1) Downloaded Spirit 1.6.3, set environment variable SPIRIT_ROOT on the

Spirit listing

2) Set environment variable BCCROOT on c:\programme\borland\cbuilder6

3) Dowloaded the Boost LIBRARY (tried one after the other from

1_32-1_33 beta, all versions), and set the BOOST_ROOT environment

variable to the listing in which I boost unpacked.

4) At the Boost tools\build\listing\build.bat executed (compiles

correctly for Boland)

5) Executed tools\build\jam_src\bin.ntx86\bjam.exe "- sTOOLS=borland"

install (compiled also, but with few warnings)

6) At the listing, in which I unpacked Boost, I started  the

libs\thread\example file once.cpp

7) I made a Porjekt to compile the file

 8) I set atthe project settings the include path on


9) I set atthe project attitudes the LIBRARY path on C:\Boost\lib \

10) The program compiled and linked

11) When starting the project it crhases immediately and started the

monitor, which indicates the storage addresses to me.

Where does my error lie?  Do I have to adjust something special in the

Porjekt still?  

Many greetings from Hamburg,

