"Addagarla, Srinivas" <Srinivas.Addagarla@magnumsemi.com> wrote in message news:718518995A598F4DBE5EB568FC2E63420EBE51@MAGMSG01.ad.magnumsemi.com...


This is  my second posting; Didn't get any response to my first one. I am having trouble with Boost serialization library. Here is the build log of  demo.cpp that came with the library.

I do see that  demo.cpp is linked to  serialization library ( in Red color) but still I get unresolved symbols. Ramey, where are you?

I'm here, I just don't know what to say.  It looks like you've been making progress on your own. Keep up the good work!I can make a couple of observations though:

a) the missing symbols see belong to stl_port.

b) I haven't build or tested with any version of stl_port other than 4.3.

c) There is code in the library with #defines dependent on whether the library used is stl_port and I also believe that there is code which is conditionally compiled depending upon stl_port version number.

d) The library has been built and tested with msvc 6.0 and stl_port 4.3

e) This combination - vc 8.0 and stl_port != 4.3 hasn't been built/tested by me or anyone else as far as I know.  In fact, I haven't tested stl_port != 4.3 at all !!!  So you're on new territory here.



1> Creating library Debug\boost_test.lib and object Debug\boost_test.exp

1>boost_test.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol


This is pretty undecipherable to me.  it looks lke something ?char_traits? Note that basic_text?primitive has STL_PORT dependend stuff as do other related sutff like add_facet and codecvt_null.

referenced in function "public: __thiscall boost::archive::text_oarchive::text_oarchive(class stlp_std::basic_ostream<char,class stlp_std::char_traits<char> > &,unsigned int)" (??0text_oarchive@archive@boost@@QAE@AAV?$basic_ostream@DV?$char_traits@D@stlp_std@@@stlp_std@@I@Z)

Hmmm -


Good Luck

Robert Ramey