I am trying to do some memory allocation debugging using Insure++ on my Windows machine. They use their own parser, and inject all kinds of fun stuff. However, their parser appears to be more restrictive (or just plain different) than the usual parsers. I end up with two parser errors:


One in boost/details/indirect_traits.hpp (line 254 in boost 1.33.1):



        bool, value = sizeof(detail::is_function_ref_tester(t,0)) == sizeof(::boost::type_traits::yes_type));


The error is:


namespace "boost::detail" has no member is_function_ref_tester


I can resolve that by taking the detail:: away, which seems to make sense if it indeed not part of the namespace. Can anyone confirm whether that is a valid solution/issue?




The second issue is in boost/pool/detail/ct_gcd_lcm.hpp (line 68 in boost 1.33.1):


    BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(unsigned, value = ct_gcd2<B>::helper<A % B>::value);


The error is:

the global scope has no value


I can resolve this by switching to the other branch with respect to the macro BOOST_NO_TEMPLATE_PARTIAL_SPECIALIZATION. That compiles fine for VC 7.0, VC 7.1 and VC 8.0, so my question is whether it will produce the correct result, and if so, whether the visualc.hpp should be adjusted for those compiler.


Any help would be appreciated.


