    I have a question regarding public virtual base class, how am I going
to serialize this since inheritance from 2 classes only permits saving
one copy of the base class.

Robert Ramey <ramey@rrsd.com> wrote:
Michael Shapiro wrote:
> I am having problems linking a program using the serialization
> library.
> I have made a small program, considerably simpler than the demo.cpp
> listed at
> http://www.boost.org/libs/serialization/doc/tutorial.html
> and I have also tried linking demo.cpp itself.
> My hpp files are in
> /home/mshapiro.local/boost/include/boost-1_32/boost/
> My libraries are in
> /home/mshapiro.local/boost/lib/
> I have tried linking this code with gcc 3.4.5 on a linux machine using
> gcc -I/home/mshapiro.local/boost/include/boost-1_32/ \
> -L/home/mshapiro.local/boost/lib/ \
> -lboost_serialization-gcc \
> demo.cpp

I see no reference to a specific library here - could a gcc expert comment

On my system - windows XP professional the library name is


So I would expect to use that as the argumetn for the -l switch above. It
be different in your case.

Robert Ramey

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