I am assuming you meant :


           std::ofstream ifs("container.mob");

boost::archive::text_oarchive ia(ofs); 


oa << MyObject;

ofs << std::endl;


and not std::ifstream ifs.


So if I understand well, this “patch” only adds a newline to the archive at the saving stage.


I tried it but it did not help in any way; in fact I cannot see how it could help, since the problem is at the point of the loading of the std::string, not at the end of the load of the whole object. What I mean here is that MyObject is, in my case, a class containing a std::vector of pointers to class containing std::strings. One of these strings is too long, which causes the crash. Maybe what you meant is appending the std::endl after the serialization of the std::string, but this is not possible since at this point I have only access to the archive, not the underlying ofstream :


template<class Archive>

void serialize(Archive & ar, const MyClass& m, const unsigned int version)


            ar & m.a_standard_string;



I do not have access there to the underlying ofstream of the implementation. Note that here, MyObject would contain a std::vector < MyClass * >. And I am serializing directly MyObject which causes the serialization of MyClass later.


So, what do you mean? Have you located the bug ?


De : boost-users-bounces@lists.boost.org [mailto:boost-users-bounces@lists.boost.org] De la part de Robert Ramey
Envoyé : jeudi 9 février 2006 04:46
À : boost-users@lists.boost.org
Objet : Re: [Boost-users] [Serialization]: bug while serializing astd:string


Untl 1.34 comes out try the following on the output stream


           std::ifstream ofs("container.mob");

boost::archive::text_oarchive ia(ofs); 


oa << MyObject;

ofs << std::endl;


"RIVASSEAU Jean Noel" <JN.RIVASSEAU@oberthurcs.com> wrote in message news:87F60F7FA02FF749AFB02BD9FCAA6B04C87411@naserv31.nanterre.oberthurcs.com...

I have been able to test with a string stream; the bug does not occur.


That is, this code produces the bug:


            std::ifstream ifs("container.mob");

boost::archive::text_iarchive ia(ifs); 


ia & MyObject;


while the following does not:


            std::ifstream ifs("container.mob");


            std::ostringstream tmp;


tmp << ifs.rdbuf();


            std::istringstream is(tmp.str());


boost::archive::text_iarchive ia(is); 


ia & MyObject;



a)       try using a different stream buffer strstream



So do you have any clue, Robert ?? Clearly the problem has to do with buffering somewhere….



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