Thanks! Here is the regular expression I am using:

Last Trade:.*?([0-9]+\\.[0-9]{2,}).*?Trade Time:

and the part indeed in the test.htm has something like this:

Last Trade:</td><td class="yfnc_tabledata1"><big><b>73.77</b></big></td></tr><tr><td class="yfnc_tablehead1" width="48%">Trade Time:</td><td class="yfnc_tabledata1">Feb 17</td>

So it should be alright to find the match 73.77, right? But as I mentioned in previous email, expr[1].c_str() always returns an empty string.

The attached is a Visual Studio .Net 2003 or VC71 project that has all you need to duplicate the problem. You need to copy the test.htm to c:\ before doing anything. FYI, I am using Regex++ 1.28.0


On 2/18/06, John Maddock <> wrote:
> Hello all, I am a new user of Boost Regex++, I have seen some strange
> behavior from the return of Regex++. Not sure this is the right
> mailing list to ask such a question or not. If not, please refer me
> to the right one. Here is my question:

No problem you're in the right place.

> My program is written in MFC, and it has been built under both Visual
> C++ 6 and Visual Studio .NET 2003.
> Under Visual Studio .NET 2003, the following code returns result = 1,
> however expr[1].c_str() always returns an empty string.

I don't see anything obviously wrong, so you're going to have to provide a
self contained test case if you want us to take it further.


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