Somehow, bjam doesn't always find Visual Studio. Anyway, for Visual Studio 8.0, I use (note the quotes)
bjam "-sTOOLS=vc-8_0" "-sVC80_ROOT=C:\Program Files\Visual Studio\VC" install >> "C:\Temp\bjam.txt" 2>&1
I prefer to have a copy of the output. If you don't want it, erase the >>
++Hector C
"D. R. Evans" <> wrote:
As far as I can tell, I followed the instructions exactly:
> First you need to change to the directory where you have the Boost distribution you downloaded.
OK, I'm in boost_1_33_1.
Then execute:
bjam "-sTOOLS=vc-7_1"
which produces:
Jamfile:197: in load-jamfiles
*** argument error
* rule install-subinclude ( jamfiles + : options * )
* called with: ( : )
* missing argument jamfiles
C:\boost\boost_1_33_1\tools/build/v1\boost-base.jam:2855:see definition of rule
'install-subinclude' being called
C:\boost\boost_1_33_1\tools\build\v1\bootstrap.jam:21: in boost-build
C:\boost\boost_1_33_1\boost-build.jam:16: in module scope
What am I doing wrong?
Doc Evans
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