One thing that you might want to look into if you are on NT/2000/XP derivative is the way your environmental variables are set up. Open up Preferences from My Computer, go to Advanced, and then Environment Variables. Make sure you do not have anything in your user environment settings that might be masking system environment settings. If you have any LIB or INCLUDEs in your user environment variable, it can really mess you up in my experience. Merging those into the system variables and deleting them from user has helped fix some strange problems compiling for us.

On Feb 27, 2006, at 7:34 PM, Parag Gadkari wrote:

Something could be wrong with the jamfiles or with the build of bjam you have.

You can try building the bjam using build.bat located in tools/build/jam_src.
Copy bjam.exe to boost root and issue
> bjam install                                                                        or
> bjam "-sVC71_ROOT={$Path_to_VC_7}" install                    or
> bjam "-sTOOLS=vc-7_1" "-sVC71_ROOT={$Path_to_VC_7}" install

If this does not work get a fresh copy of boost.


On 2/26/06, D. R. Evans <> wrote:
Victor A. Wagner Jr. said the following at 02/25/2006 09:28 PM :
> I built boost many times with vc7.1 while doing regression tests
> (still do) and I've still my 1.33_1 files.
> has all the date_time libraries.
> please let me know when you've downloaded what you need, I'm a little
> tight on disk space

Thank you so much (and to the others who offered). I have grabbed these and
am now all set.

I will still try to figure out what I'm doing wrong, but at least now I can
breathe and not get so frustrated about my inability to build them.


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