Use origin() if you you want to go straight to the element level, or alternatively define a one-dimensional view of your liking and use begin() (not clear from your code what you are trying to achieve,
but iVoxel = oVolume.origin () should do it). I hope this helps


On 3/5/06, Christian Henning < > wrote:
Hi there, I'm a little confused by the documentation of the
multi_array lib. The begin() is supposed to return an iterator, but
dereferencing doesn't resolve into the value type. This makes it a
little complicated to use multi_arrays with standard algorithms.
Please consider the following code snippet which wont compile on VC

class tVoxel

   typedef short tValue;

   tVoxel(): _oValue( 0 ) {}
   tVoxel(tValue oValue): _oValue( oValue ) {}

   void set( const tValue& oValue ) { _oValue = oValue; }

   tValue&       get()       { return _oValue; }
   const tValue& get() const { return _oValue; }


   tValue _oValue;

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
   typedef boost::multi_array<tVoxel, 3> tVolume;

   tVolume oVolume( boost::extents[3][3][3] );

   tVolume::const_iterator iVoxel    = oVolume.begin();
   tVolume::const_iterator iVoxelEnd = oVolume.end();

   const tVoxel& oVoxel = iVoxel->get();

   return 0;

The error message goes like:

error C2039: 'get' : is not a member of

Do I miss something important, here?

Thanks for your help,

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