Thank you very much! I was not aware of this tool. Using this tool the minimal subset of the 'lambda/lambda.hpp' which we would like to use is still 4mb which is ok, but may still be too big for our library.
We are interested in the operator expressions this header file provides. Do you know if there is any way to attain operator expression features without including 4mb of header files?


On 3/24/06, Sohail Somani <> wrote:
Have you tried using bcp ( Sorry for top-posting, but when I get html emails, outlook looks out.

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Andreas Sæbjørnsen
Sent: Friday, March 24, 2006 3:21 PM
Subject: [Boost-users] [LAMBDA] minimal installation

Since we are interested in using Boost::Lambda in our project and can not depend on the whole of the Boost library because of size restrictions we are interested in including a minimum Lambda subset of Boost. From what I understand only header files are needed in order to use Lambda, so that leads me to believe such a subset should be possible.  In an initial experiment I created such a subset, but was unable to make it smaller than 13.3mb. Is it possible to create a subset of Boost to use Lambda which would be around 1mb or less? If so, has anybody already created such a subset?

4096 Mar 24 12:34 config
2050 Mar 24 12:31 config.hpp
4096 Mar 24 12:34 detail
1039 Mar 24 12:33 indirect_reference.hpp
4096 Mar 24 12:34 iterator
4096 Mar 24 12:24 lambda
4096 Mar 24 12:31 mpl
1821 Mar 24 12:34 pointee.hpp
4096 Mar 24 12:34 preprocessor
3626 Mar 24 12:33 ref.hpp
4523 Mar 24 12:33 static_assert.hpp
7844 Mar 24 12:33 static_warning.hpp
4096 Mar 24 12:34 tuple
4096 Mar 24 12:28 type_traits
4096 Mar 24 12:34 utility

Andreas Saebjoernsen

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