Hi ,
I have a problem, I can' use boost  multi array as private member,
I have the mistake: "unexpected extents"
I can only return a boost multi array  in  my function
// KOKO.h: interface for the KOKO class.
#if !defined(AFX_KOKO_H__3E4A2230_0446_43C2_BD69_6FF9C2614C02__INCLUDED_)
#define AFX_KOKO_H__3E4A2230_0446_43C2_BD69_6FF9C2614C02__INCLUDED_
#if _MSC_VER > 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
#include "boost/multi_array.hpp"
#include <cassert>
using namespace std;
using namespace boost;
class KOKO 
 typedef boost::multi_array<double,3> array_type_3dd;
 virtual ~KOKO();

boost::multi_array<double,3>MiseEnFormeMatrice3D(vector<double>data,int nbJourSimule, int na, int nbEnergie);

 int d1;
 int d2;
 int d3;
 array_type_3d myvector(boost::extents[d1][d2][d3]);
#endif // !defined(AFX_KOKO_H__3E4A2230_0446_43C2_BD69_6FF9C2614C02__INCLUDED_)

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