alright i am trying to stimulate the safety algorithm Operating system concepts seventh edition book. Note i haven't use static_assert yet. Basically i am trying to experiment on how boost can help replace low level concept code in which any language be it, php, perl, java (
i.e. replace of indexing if possible) can write simple algorithm whether to increase readability, maintainbility or anything. All these are just experimental code. Thank you very much.The problem with python iterators is that you can't reassign iteration values in list.
template <class T, int N>
struct DimArray
typedef typename boost::multi_array<T, N> ndimarr;
typedef typename boost::multi_array<T, N>::size_type size;
* check to see if the current status is safe *
* @return true if state is safe and false otherwise *
* @param Max is n x m matrix of maximum resources *
* @param Alloc is n x m matrix of allocated resources*
* @param Need is n x m matrix of needed resources *
* @param Available is m size avaliable resource vec *
* @templateparam: T any numeric type (int, double, float) *
* @templateparam: CONT any container type of std::allocator *
template <typename T,
template <
typename ELEM,
typename = std::allocator<ELEM>
class CONT
bool DLA::isSafe(const typename DimArray<T, 2>::ndimarr& MAX,
const typename DimArray<T, 2>::ndimarr& Alloc,
const typename DimArray<T, 2>::ndimarr& Need,
const typename DimArray<T, 1>::ndimarr& Available)
using namespace boost::lambda;
typename DimArray<T, 1>::ndimarr Work(Available);
typedef typename DimArray<T, 2>::size TDS;
const TDS outer_sz(MAX.size());
CONT<bool> Finish(outer_sz, false);
typedef typename CONT<bool>::const_iterator ContIter;
typedef typename DimArray<T, 2>::ndimarr::const_iterator MultIter;
typedef typename DimArray<T, 1>::ndimarr::const_iterator OneIter;
ContIter iter;
MultIter beg1(Need.begin());
MultIter beg2(Alloc.begin());
MultIter end1(Need.end());
MultIter end2(Alloc.end());
ContIter beg3(Finish.begin());
ContIter end3(Finish.end
TDS ind(0);
while ((iter = std::find(Finish.begin(), Finish.end(), false)) != Finish.end())
new code
// iterate through (Need, Alloc, Finish).
boost::make_zip_iterator(boost::make_tuple(beg1, beg2, beg3)),
boost::make_zip_iterator(boost::make_tuple(end1, end2, end3)),
Parts where i wish to use lambda for abstraction .
_1 = Need[i],
_2 = Alloc[i],
_3 = Finish[i],
if (_1 == false && _3 <= Work)
_3 = true;
Work += _2;
Old code
for (int i = distance(Finish.begin(), iter); i < Finish.size(); ++i)
if (Finish[i] == false && ((typename DimArray<T, 1>::ndimarr) Need[i]) <= Work)
Finish[i] = true;
Work = array_add<T>(Work, ((typename DimArray<T, 1>::ndimarr)Alloc[i]));
std::cout << "p[" << i << "]\n";
return (std::binary_search(Finish.begin(), Finish.end(), false))
? false : true;