Hi all,
I have following kind of class and having some identifier and group id associated with
particular procedure. I want to know if I have to get the procedures relating particular
group for ex. (groupId == 1). How do I do using multiindex container? Can somebody
please give me some hint or code if they have done something similar to what I want
to do?
Thanks a lot,
// class procedure test
class Procedure {
 Procedure(int _id, int _group ) : id_(_id), group_(_group) {
 int get_id() const {
  return id_;
int get_group() const {
return group_;
 friend ostream& operator << (ostream& _os, const Procedure& _proc);
 int id_;
int group_;
ostream& operator << (ostream& _os, const Procedure& _proc)
 _os << "PROCEDURE : " << _proc.id_ << endl;
 return _os;
// Defines multiindex container that is hashed based on id
struct id {
typedef multi_index_container<
tag<id>, const_mem_fun<Procedure, int, &Procedure::get_id> >
> Procedure_Hashed_Pool;
typedef Procedure_Hashed_Pool::index<id>::type Procedure_By_Id;