I need some advice regarding how I should copy the boost data structures I get from 'advanced_preprocessing_hooks.h'.
The task at hand is to copy some of the data structures from Wave and store it separate form the memory Wave
allocates so that after the Wave preprocessing step has finished all it's memory can be freed.

Example: e.g making a copy of the
'std::vector<std::list<PreprocessingInfo::token_type,boost::fast_pool_allocator<PreprocessingInfo::token_type> > >'
representing the arguments in the expansion of a macro in the function 'expanding_function_like_macro'.

Syntactically it would be gre at to be able to make a copy using the operator=, but as far as I can see this is
only possible if I am also using the fast_pool_allocator. If I use the fast_pool_allocator I am afraid that my
copies will be put into the memory pool allocated by Wave and therefore that memory cannot be safely
freed. Is this corect?
