
Sorry for replying to a specific person since the reply link is not operational for me(at least).

g++ -c -I/usr/local/include/boost-1_33_1

-c option only creates the linkable object file(correct me if I am mistaken so you have link some libraries to get the proper exe file(I am under XP now)) but -c option does not call the linker.

I have chosen both boost and boost devel packages for install under Cygwin.

I was using the same code under linux with the following link options

g++ -g -o filename -I/usr/local/opt/boost_1_33_1/include/boost-1_33_1/ -L/usr/local/opt/boost-1_33_1/lib -lboost_filesystem-gcc

So I was linking to the boost_filesystem-gcc library.

I tried the same but it gave errors,
