Hey All!


I’m sure there’s got to be a way, and unfortunately, the boost users archive is “down for maintenance” so I can’t search there. Basically, I have a 2 Dimensional array and I would like to be able to access the center of that array using a variable that maps to some index (for example, element[3][3] in a 7x7 array).


Can someone tell me how to do this? I tried to create a view to a 0 Dimensional array, but that wouldn’t work (not surprisingly).


FWIW, here’s what I tried:

array_type::array_view<0>::type center(myarray[ boost::indices[3][3] ]);


I can do this:

Array_type::array_view<1>::type center(myarray[ boost::indices[range(3,3)][3] ]);


But then I access the center by doing



I guess that’ll work, but I wouldn’t consider that ideal. Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?


Thanks a bunch!


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