michael_gruner@arcor.de wrote:

I'm new to boost and did sucessfully complete the installation of boost and the boost.python hello world example. However, I'm wondering how to wrap a shared library I get as a binary and a header file to access it. Can anyone point me to any documentation about this?

little example:

I own a library "mylib.dll" and a header file "mylib.h" without any source code for my platform. Now I'd like to build a python wrapper to access this mylib.dll. I already wrote a "mywrapper.cpp" that includes the mylib.h file. But however bjam tries to build a mylib.pyd instead of using just the dll.

can anyone help me with this?

thank you

Boost-users mailing list


I'm not sure if this will help but I had a similar problem.

in the jamfile I had to add a reference to my external library

here is what it looks like...

extension journal_ext           # Declare a Python extension called journal_ext
:   src/journal_ext.cpp

    # requirements and dependencies for Boost.Python extensions
:   <library-file>/a_path/libboost_log-gcc-1_33_1.so          ############################## THIS LINE HERE


Sébastien Fortier