The problem is you are storing pointers in the map, which are not in the address space of proc#2. Check  

On 8/1/06, Pataki Szilard <> wrote:

I have a problem retrieving objects from a map placed in shared
memory. I have two processes:

proc#1: creates the shared memory, puts a map into it and populates it
with objects
proc#2: connects to the shared memory and tries to read out the
objects from the map

Whenever I try to read out the objects from the map, I get zeroes for
the internal members (a, b).

The class definition for the objects:
class ShmNode
        int a;
        int b;
        ShmNode(int newa, int newb);
        void set(int newa, int newb);
        int getA();
        int getB();

I'm posting the source codes for the two programs. I removed the
synchronization stuff with semaphores for the sake of clarity:

#include <boost/shmem/named_shared_object.hpp>
#include <boost/shmem/allocators/allocator.hpp>
#include <boost/shmem/containers/vector.hpp>
#include <boost/shmem/containers/map.hpp>
#include <boost/shmem/sync/named_semaphore.hpp>

#include <iostream>
#include "../shmem/ShmNode.hpp"

typedef std::pair<
                        const int,

typedef boost::shmem::allocator <

typedef boost::shmem::map<
                        const int,
                        std::less<const int>,

int main()
        boost::shmem::named_shared_object segment;

        segment.create("/myshmem", 20000);

        MyAlloc nodesAlloc(segment.get_segment_manager ());
        std::less<const int> comparator;

        MyMap *table = segment.construct<MyMap>("table")(comparator, nodesAlloc);

        MyPair myPair1(1, new ShmNode(1,2));
        MyPair myPair2(2, new ShmNode(3,4));
        MyPair myPair3(3, new ShmNode(5,6));


        return 0;

/* same includes */

/* same typedefs */

int main()
        boost::shmem::named_shared_object segment;"/myshmem");

        MyMap *table = segment.find<MyMap>("table").first;

        std::cout << "table size: " << table->size() << std::endl;

        MyMap::iterator iter;
        for (iter = table->begin(); ; iter++)
                if (iter == table->end())
                std::cout << iter->second->getA() << "  " << iter->second->getB() <<
        return 0;

The problem once again: in proc#2,  iter->second->getA() and
iter->second->getB() return 0. If I put the same loop into proc#1, the
correct values are returned. As a further hint, the size of the map
object in proc#2 is returned correctly (=3).

What am I doing wrong?

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