Hey I have several problem...

A.) Can boost::python work with templated argument...


* rsa(p, q):                                    *
*    let n = p * q                                *
*    let totient = (p-1)*(q-1)                    *
*    choose integer e between 1 and totient     *
*    such that greatest common denominator is 1 *
*    d = (1 mod totient) / e                    *
*    return e, d, n                                *
template <class T>
boost::tuple<T, T, T> boost::rsa_generate(const T& p, const T& q)
   assert(p != q);
   const T n(p*q);
   const T totient((p-1)*(q-1));
   T e(3);
   for (e; EuclidBinaryGCD(e, totient) != 1; e = Random::randint(T(2), totient-1));
   const T d(Inversemod(e, totient));
   return boost::make_tuple(e, d, n);

    def("rsa_generate", boost::rsa_generate);

Second question.. how come lambda function don't work.

COmpling this by itself..give no error. 

template <class T,
         template <typename ELEM,
                  typename = std::allocator<ELEM> >
                  class CONT>
double MyAnn::getCondProb(const T& A, const T& B, const CONT<typename std::pair<T, T> >& DATA)
    using namespace boost::lambda;
    typedef typename std::pair<T, T> MyPair;
    // gets the number of B
    const int numOfB (
          std::count_if(DATA.begin(), DATA.end(),
             bind(&MyPair::second, _1) == B
    // gets the number of A given B.
    const int numOfAGivenB(
          std::count_if(DATA.begin(), DATA.end(),
             (bind(&MyPair::second, _1) == B)
             (bind(&MyPair::first, _1) == A)

    return (numOfAGivenB* 1.0)/numOfB;

now including this file.. and compling  this gives error about "_1"

    def ("getCondProb", getCondProb<long long>);

Thanks for the help.
If its the way i compile.. how i would i get it to work.. iam using dev-cpp 4.9