I use it.
Very nice when developing Win32 apps cross platform with anything else.
Thanks again boost and whoever wrote this lib.


On 8/10/06, Drumheller, Michael <michael.drumheller@boeing.com> wrote:
I noticed some recent activity on the list by the author of
boost::program_options, so I'm posting this one more time.

Thank you.


                Date: Fri, 28 Jul 2006 10:22:54 -0700
                From: "Drumheller, Michael"
                Subject: Re: [Boost-users] Question about
                To: < boost-users@lists.boost.org>

                Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="us-ascii"

                Just a follow up: I did not receive any response to my
query below (neither from the list, nor from the library author, whom I
attempted to contact directly).

                Can anyone give me an idea of the general status of
boost::program_options?  Is it still being maintained?  Am I the only
person using it ? :)



                > _____________________________________________
                > From:         Drumheller, Michael
                > Sent: Friday, July 21, 2006 9:06 AM
                > To:   'boost-users@lists.boost.org'
                > Subject:      Question about program_options
                > Regarding boost::program_options:
                > I would like to parse (and then store) some
command-line options that
                > potentially contain unregistered flags, and I
understand from
                > that the way to do this is:
                >   basic_command_line_parser<char> parser(argc, argv);
                >   basic_parsed_options<char>
                > Indeed this works--for parsing.  But how do I store
the resulting
                > parsed options (in a way that ignores the unregistered
ones)?  Simply
                > calling
                >    store(parsed, vm);
                > throws a boost::program_options::unknown_option
exception.  I can take
                > the (brute force) step of erasing from parsed.options
all elements for
                > which the unregistered attribute is true, and then
                > store(parsed, vm).  That seems to work, but it so
clumsy that it makes
                > me think I'm using the system in a way that was not
                > Can anyone help?
                > Thank you.
                > MD
                > P.S.  There is a bug in the doc:
"collect_arguments(...)" on the last
                > line of the above link should be
collect_unrecognized(...); similarly,
                > in the source code parsers.hpp (line 158) there is a
mention of the
                > nonexistent function "collect_unregistered").
                > Michael Drumheller
                > Boeing Phantom Works
                > Mathematics and Engineering Analysis
                > 425.865.3520 michael.drumheller@boeing.com This email
may contain
                > proprietary information.  If you are not the intended
recipient please
                > delete it and notify the sender that you received it
in error.

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