Michael Nicolella wrote:

Looking at boost::scoped_ptr, as I understand it it’s meant to model sole-ownership without transfer-of-ownership semantics. If that’s the case, what is the utility for having it support swap() operations ?  What functionality is lost if the swap() capability is removed?

It allows transfer of ownership to an owner that guarantees the same degree of safety as the original owner, and there is still only one owner.  Please, do not remove it.  I use it in linked lists, where insertion or deletion requires moving a pointer from one node to another, with the help of a temporary scoped_ptr.

Dick Hadsell			914-259-6320  Fax: 914-259-6499
Reply-to:			hadsell@blueskystudios.com
Blue Sky Studios                http://www.blueskystudios.com
44 South Broadway, White Plains, NY 10601