I have a small problem. Some of my data holders have dereference operator which returns refernces to contained types. The problem I face here is that I have some noncopyable types and the dereference operator fails to compile.
I thought using a reference_wrapper class could do the trick, but then I can not call functions on the contained type without explict casting, regardless operator T&() const defined.
here is a small test app to simulate the behavior:

#include <boost/ref.hpp>

#include <boost/array.hpp>

#include <boost/utility.hpp>


using namespace std;



template<class T>

struct test


      test() : ptr(new T())





            delete ptr;



      boost::reference_wrapper<T> operator*()


            return boost::ref(*ptr);



      T* ptr;



template<class T, int N>

class array : public boost::array<T,N>

                  , private boost::noncopyable




int main(int argc, char* argv[])


      test< array<int,10> > t;


      int size = (static_cast<array<int,10>&>(*t)).size();



Is there any way to call the last line like:

      int size = (*t).size();


operator ->() would work just fine, but I need to support both.



Thanks for help,

Ovanes Markarian